“I had a history of back and neck pain from a car accident years ago and spent a lot of time getting adjusted by a chiropractor, which never solved my problem. So I decided to try acupuncture- and I loved it. After years of traditional healthcare methods that never cured my ailments, I am confident that acupuncture can solve most health and mental issues.”


“I first visited her regarding chronic back pain. After a few visits, Robin began highlighting the underlying issues of the pain I was experiencing and proposed a very holistic, rational approach to improve how my body moved, which would serve to alleviate the pain. After 5 months of treatment, I have seen very good improvement in my mobility and posture, and my pain has been lessened to the point where I’m now able to be more active than I’ve been in years.”


“I have experienced deeper states of relaxation with crystals than I have achieved with acupuncture alone. I have also experienced physical benefits similar to what I have experienced with acupuncture. It feels like the crystals help you achieve a deeper and more in-tune state of consciousness.”





Acupuncture is the insertion of thin, solid, sterile, disposable, stainless steel needles into standardized acupuncture points. The point is smooth and insertion through the skin is not painful like injections or blood sampling. The practitioner carefully sterilizes any tools used and uses only disposable needles. Insertion of needles serves to unblock or conduct the bio-energetic current so that the flow of energy and resources in the body comes into balance for the good of the whole. The patient may very well be able to feel these sensations as tingling or warmth, for instance. The number of treatments varies depending on the issue and the response of the patient. Some will need only a few treatments, while others with chronic conditions may need more. Acupuncture treatments can be given at the same time that other techniques are being used, such as conventional Western medicine, chiropractic adjustments, and homeopathic or naturopathic prescriptions.



Herbs, Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling

Chinese herbal formulas are as effective now as they were 2,000 years ago. Formulas consist of from one to over 20 herbs. Side effects are fewer than those experienced with pharmaceuticals. The nature of the formula can be modified to your specific conditions, much like Acupuncture. All herbs used in our clinic are manufactured with strict adherence to manufacturing and purity standards. Modern nutritional therapies and nutriceuticals may also be recommended.

The Chinese knew all along what we are finally learning, exercise, diet, nutrition, stress levels, interpersonal support and love, and a variety of factors all influence our health and quality of life. Your practitioner may make recommendations based on TCM and personal experience that will allow you to heal and become whole.



Bodywork Therapy

Tui Na massage, cupping, and other forms of bodywork (related to Acupressure, acupuncture without needles), are part of a medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat, and prevent illness for over 23 centuries. It can treat acute or chronic conditions, relieve pain, speed healing, and strengthen the immune system.

Traditional Chinese style acupuncture followed by deep tissue work and fascial stretch helps to reduce joint stress and pain related to work, lifestyle and aging, and improves sports performance. This type of treatment can unwind old dysfunctional muscle patterns and help to rebalance posture, restore free joint mobility, speed healing, and decrease or eliminate chronic pain. The combination of acupuncture and soft tissue manipulation can shift patterns–even patterns and pain that have been there for years!


New and exciting integrative medicine

TCM Based Body-Feedback® Treatment with Young Living Essential Oil®

Body-Feedback with Essential Oils is a system Michelle Buchanan, MSOM, CA, Dipl Ac., created to significantly improve the effectiveness of therapeutic-grade essential oils by combining them with the ancient acupuncture meridian diagnosing system. The integration of modern-day essential oils with time-tested palpation-based diagnosing techniques effectively promotes wellness and self-healing for people who take responsibility for their health. Using Body-Feedback techniques identifies the best essential oils to promote healing and maintain health based on your individual needs at any particular moment. The body, as a feedback system, is used to locate specific muscle groups and acupuncture points that indicate imbalances in physical and emotional health or that correspond to symptoms of disease. Specific muscle groups and/or acupuncture points become reactive when symptoms or imbalances in physical and emotional health are present. Therapeutic-grade oils offer another tool to help raise vibration and facilitate healing. Therapeutic-grade essential oils are the life force of plants and contain the highest concentrations of healing properties found in nature. Essential oils are alive with intercellular messengers such as enzymes, hormones, vitamins and minerals and oxygen. They easily penetrate the skin, fat, muscle and connective tissue, allowing rapid absorption into the bloodstream, lymph system and organs. Essential oils made from evergreens, resins and mints reach deepest into the body, penetrating even bone and brain matter. These unique characteristics allow for a variety of application methods that address a wide range of health concerns.


Robin Anderson has accredited continuing education through the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in this system